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Procedures for Body Aesthetic

Say 'Hello' to new "YOU"

  • Abdominoplasty

  • Liposuction

  • Brazilian Butt Lift

  • Mommy Make-Over

  • Arm/Thigh Lift

Liposuction Breast Butt Tummy Arm Lift


1.Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy Tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure in which excess skin and/or fat are removed from the abdominal region. It also helps tighten the muscles to create a firmer and smoother abdomen.

One of the main reasons people opt for a tummy tuck procedure is to get rid of the excess skin that remains at the end of a weight loss journey. However, as we age, the skin naturally loses elasticity as it is, and some people may end up with loose and sagging skin in the mid-region, regardless of any former weight issues. A tummy tuck is a fantastic way to have that skin removed.

There are several different types of tummy tucks, and which one you need depends on your particular situation and aesthetic goals.

  • Standard Tummy Tuck - Also known as a traditional tummy tuck, this is the most common abdominoplasty procedure and focuses on reshaping and toning up the lower abdominal region. The incision is made from one side of the hip to the other to allow for the maximal removal of excess skin and fatty tissue. The belly button often needs to be repositioned so that the final outcome is symmetrical, and this is a great option for women who want to tighten their stomach region after pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Mini Tummy Tuck - This tummy tuck focuses on the region below the belly button. This is generally reserved for those who only have a small amount of excess skin that they would like removed, particularly to address the pooch that sometimes forms below the waist. 

A tummy tuck is a great option for anyone who has excess skin and fat in the mid-region and would like to have it removed. Whether the excess skin is the result of weight loss, liposuction, or simply age, a tummy tuck could be just the thing you’re looking for if the excess skin is something that bothers you. It’s also a great option for those with abdominal muscles that are particularly weak or separated, as it can help strengthen your core.


A tummy tuck is a great option for anyone who has excess skin and fat in the mid-region and would like to have it removed. Whether the excess skin is the result of weight loss, liposuction, or simply age, a tummy tuck could be just the thing you’re looking for if the excess skin is something that bothers you. It’s also a great option for those with abdominal muscles that are particularly weak or separated, as it can help strengthen your core.

Recovery typically takes approximately 4-6 weeks, and it’s something you should definitely consider when scheduling a procedure. And while you may see some results immediately following the procedure, it generally takes a full 6-month for the full results to be realised.

2. Liposuction

Liposuction, commonly called lipo, is a surgical body contouring procedure that suctions out excess fat via a thin tube called a cannula, attached to a vacuum. An experienced plastic surgeon or dermatologic surgeon can selectively remove unwanted fat deposits, to contour your hips, outer thighs, upper arms, stomach, waist, chin, or other areas of the body. Liposuction can permanently remove pockets of stubborn body fat. A plastic surgeon can remove larger volumes of excess fat in a single session than would be possible with nonsurgical procedures.

Visible liposuction scars are usually inconspicuous because the incisions for the cannula are so short. Some experienced surgeons hide their 1cm poke holes in areas such as the breast crease, belly button, armpits, or top of buttock cleft. The procedure allows your surgeon to reshape the body, especially when it’s combined with fat transfer to add more fullness to other areas.

Many patients say liposuction was Worth It, many say that their clothes fit better, they have more confidence, and they feel younger. Some also say that it kick-started a healthier lifestyle, and they’ve become fit since the surgery.

Liposuction is surgery, and it takes time to heal. Once the body fat is removed, your skin could sag if it doesn’t have enough elasticity to bounce back. Some patients even need to follow lipo with a skin tightening procedure. While liposuction permanently removes fat cells, remaining fat cells can expand or new ones can form if you gain weight.

3. Brazilian Butt Lift

A BBL’s benefits are cosmetic in nature, not medical, and include increasing the volume of the butt as well as refining its shape. A BBL can also re-contour the areas of the body, like the torso and thighs that have undergone liposuction.

Commonly called BBL surgery, a Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic that uses your own fat or implants to make your buttocks higher, rounder, and fuller. 

A Brazilian buttock lift can create very natural-looking results. Beyond enhancing the size and shape of your butt, a BBL also contours your waist, love handles, thighs, lower back, and other areas where you’d like to reduce excess fat.  The fat that survives the transfer is there forever, so results are long-lasting—provided you don’t gain or lose too much weight. 

There’s no potential for allergic reaction or rejection since fat from your own body is used. When done safely and correctly, with fat injected into the subcutaneous tissue just below the skin, the procedure is considered safe.  BBL scars are minimal—just from tiny incisions made for liposuction, usually in easily hidden places. 

You’ll need to avoid sitting or any activity that applies direct pressure on your buttocks for several weeks, to avoid disrupting the transplanted fat. Full recovery can take several months. Results vary from patient to patient because about 40% of the transferred fat naturally gets reabsorbed by the body during the first four months post-procedure. 

You’ll need to avoid sitting or lying directly on your butt for at least two weeks to allow enough time for a blood supply to develop so the fat graft can take. Many surgeons even recommend waiting six weeks before fully sitting on your butt.


During this outpatient procedure, a surgeon first performs liposuction to harvest unwanted fat from other areas of the body like the thighs, back, stomach, and flanks. Then they use a technique known as gluteal fat augmentation to inject a portion of the fat into the butt cheeks and hips, enhancing the size and shape of the buttocks and creating an hourglass shape. On the other hand, a silicone implant specially made for the buttocks is inserted either in the muscle or above the gluteal muscle on each side. The method for inserting and positioning implants depends on the type of implant, degree of enlargement desired, your body type and your surgeon's recommendations.

4. Mommy Make-Over

The ideal candidate for a mummy makeover is any woman who wants to regain her pre-pregnancy body for her own self-fulfillment. Also, the individual should be in good health, not smoke, have no further plans to give birth to children, and have a healthy body weight.

After going through pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, a woman’s body will naturally change. However, while some women may find it easier to return to their pre-pregnancy body, others will struggle. No matter what you do, there is still some weight that just won’t be lost or excess skin where there was none before. This can often be problematic as it can be detrimental to your self-esteem and confidence. It can cause women to be unhappy with their bodies or avoid wearing certain types of clothing. Fortunately, you don’t have to stay unhappy with your body. Instead, you can have a mummy makeover. A mummy makeover is a combination of a series of cosmetic surgical procedures which aim to rejuvenate a woman’s body. The combination of procedures can be altered to suit the individual, but will generally include:

·        Breast augmentation

·        Breast lift

·        Abdominoplasty

        Labiaplasty and/or vaginoplasty can be considered as well.

5. Arm Lift

The arm lift, also known as a Brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess fat and loose skin on your underarms. The procedure is the most effective way to get rid of bat wings as it is commonly called.

Aging, genetics, and significant weight fluctuations (particularly after weight loss surgery) can all contribute to sagging arm skin, which can’t be tightened by exercise and diet alone.

Usually performed as an outpatient surgery, an arm lift procedure is the most effective and permanent way to remove extra skin and recontour the arms. 

It can be combined with other body contouring procedures like liposuction to remove excess fat and give arms or other areas a more toned, sculpted look as well as it may also be performed as part of a more extensive body lift surgery (with other procedures like a tummy tuck, thigh lift, or breast lift), for patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, or as part of a mommy makeover.


You will end up with a significant scar along your inner arm, from elbow to armpit. If skin and fat are also removed from your forearm, the scar is subject to be longer.

All scars fade over time and can be treated. However, the patients ought to take into consideration that it will never completely disappear as a thin scar may be observed.

The initial healing process can take up to six weeks, and it may be two months before you can resume strenuous activity. 

6. Thigh Lift

A thigh lift or thighplasty is a procedure that involves the removal of excess skin and fat from either the inner or outer thighs. This is often desirable after bariatric weight loss or in individuals for whom dieting and exercise have failed to reduce excess tissue in their upper thighs. Liposuction may be used as a supplement to the recontouring of the inner thigh. 

The thigh lift restores your self-assurance and confidence regarding your body. Your body will appear shapelier and proportionally. This is especially beneficial in cases of patients who have succeeded in a weight reduction program. Your thighs will be firmer, smooth and more youthful, with a curvaceous appearance.

A thigh lift helps tightens loose skin in the inner and outer thighs, enhances contours and removes unwanted fat from the inner thighs, tops of the knees, and outer thighs (saddle bags). It also reduces cellulite and benefits patients by reducing the dimpling of the skin

A thigh lift, either with or without liposuction, can help in diminishing excess skin following substantial weight loss.



There are two types of thigh lift procedures, medial and standard:

The medial thigh lift is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thigh giving a firmer appearance. It is performed by removing a crescent of skin and fat from the upper portion of the inner thigh creating a horizontal scar.


Standard thigh lift includes the removal of excess loose skin and fat to reshape, tone, and firm the upper leg; generally, as a result of weight loss. The scar in this procedure is oriented both vertically and horizontally. 



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