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Procedures for Breast Aesthetic

Say 'Hello' to new "YOU"

  • Breast Augmentation

  • Breast Reduction

  • Breast Lift

  • Breast Reconstruction

  • Gynecomastia



1. Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation - commonly known as Breast Implant, Breast Enlargement, or Boob Job - procedure improves the fullness of breasts and gives a curvier look to them. It enhances the overall look of the body and provides balance to a person’s figure. 

It is an elective surgery and is known to prove congenital defects in the breast shape or size. Furthermore, women who have undergone mastectomy or any serious health conditions that have altered the shape of their breasts can use this procedure to reconstruct their breasts. 

There are many ways to perform breast enlargements. The method must be tailored to the individual patient's needs. The principal is to create a pocket under the breast tissue and place a breast implant into that pocket. The breast enlargement operation is done under either local or general anaesthetic.

Augmentation is a long-term solution for achieving an ideal figure. Breast implants add volume to the breast which helps fill out clothing better and create more cleavage. Enhancement of your natural curves can create a shape that is flattering and proportionate to the rest of your body, particularly for pear-shaped women if they prefer to become an hourglass shape instead. It helps to boost the patient's self-confidence and benefits him by making him more self-assured both in and out of clothing. In the couple of days that follow the surgery, the patient may experience pain as the tissues in the area are stretched. Pain medication can help alleviate the pain.


In breast augmentation, an implant or fat from your body is surgically inserted behind each of your breasts. The implants sit either behind the muscles in your chest or behind the tissue of your natural breasts. This can raise your breast size by a cup or more. You can choose a contoured or round breast implant. The implant material works to boost the size of your breasts as well as provide shape in areas that may have previously felt “empty.” Keep in mind breast augmentation isn’t the same procedure as a breast lift. A lift works to correct sagging breasts. Implants are generally soft, flexible shells made of silicone that are filled with either saline or silicone. While there’s been some controversy surrounding the use of silicone implants, they’re still widely popular among people who choose breast augmentation surgery.

2. Breast Reduction

The breast reduction, also known as mammary reduction, is an operation in which one takes from one or both breasts' glandular and fatty tissue. The aim is to reduce the size and weight of the breasts. A breast reduction is usually performed by a plastic surgeon and takes about two to four hours.

Although many women want big breasts, too big breasts can also be a burden. Thus they often suffer from chronic back and neck pain. Sometimes there are also postural defects and even herniated discs.

The psychological burden of voluminous and big breasts can also play a role in making women often feel very uncomfortable in their bodies due to aesthetic reasons. This may affect routine life and sports activities.

Possible reasons for surgical breast reduction are:

·         Orthopaedic complaints such as postural defects, back and neck pain

·         Unequal size breasts

·         Skin irritation and eczema in the lower breast crease (Intertrigo)

·         The desire of the patient to mental stress

In such cases, a mammoplasty plastic is usually the only treatment option and gives the patient tremendous relief.


Breast reduction surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic. This means you will be asleep during the operation.

Generally, the operation involves moving your nipple to its new position – usually, while it is still attached to the blood supply, removing excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from your breasts and reshaping the remaining breast tissue. The operation takes 2 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the breast reduction.

3. Breast Lift

A breast lift is a surgical procedure that raises and reshapes sagging or deflated-looking breasts.

Over time, skin tends to lose elasticity. In the breasts, in particular, this can cause an elongated, “droopy” shape that no longer resembles the breast in its youthful state. A standard breast augmentation will not be sufficient in improving these areas of concern. With a breast lift, the position of the nipple is raised and redundant skin is removed from the breast tissue. The result is a firmer, perkier breast that sits higher on the chest and looks completely natural as well as more youthful.

Due to many factors – such as age, hormones, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, genetic, ethnic, and breast implants – a woman’s breasts can begin to sag and droop. With breast lift surgery (or mastopexy), expert plastic surgeons can help restore them to a firmer, shapelier state.

A breast lift surgery does not change the size of your breasts. Therefore, some women may want to consider a breast augmentation or breast reduction in combination with a breast lift. A skilled and experienced surgeon can perform both of these operations in a single procedure. In the case of breast augmentation, the implants will be placed under the breast tissue during your breast lift.


You will be put under general anaesthesia, with the operation lasting 4-6 hours. During the surgery, the surgeon will start first by assessing how much the breast needs to be lifted. A nipple-areola is cut and raised to the new position according to the pre-operative incision marking, then followed by cutting along the pre-operative marking along the lower pole of the breasts and excising excess breast glandular tissue and skin. Then the doctor will tighten the remaining breast glandular tissue and skin to achieve the desired result. In many cases (but not all), the surgeon will create a proper pocket space either over/under the chest muscle or dual plane before the implants are inserted. There are a variety of incision techniques a surgeon can use, such as circular incision around the areola, lollipop incision (circumareolar with an additional vertical limb from the areola to the breast fold), or upside-down T (circumareolar plus vertical limb and under the breast). The surgeon will determine which technique is most appropriate for you based on the sizes and shapes of your breasts, the degree of sagging, your skin, and the position and size of your areola.

Sutures are inserted into the tissue to support the newly shaped breasts, while enlarged areolas are reduced by removing the skin around their perimeters. The remaining skin around the breasts will be tightened when the incisions are closed. Two small tubes might be placed in each breast to drain fluids and blood. These incision lines are permanent, but they will fade over time.

4. Breast Construction

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure aimed at restoring the shape, appearance, and size of a breast that has been removed due to cancer or other medical conditions. The procedure involves creating a new breast mound using various techniques and materials, such as silicone implants, flaps of skin and fat from the abdomen or back, or a combination of both.

Breast reconstruction can be performed immediately after a mastectomy (removal of the breast) or delayed until a later time. The timing of the procedure depends on various factors, such as the patient's overall health, the type of mastectomy performed, and the patient's personal preferences.




There are two main types of breast reconstruction: implant-based reconstruction and flap reconstruction.


Implant-based reconstruction involves using a silicone implant to create a new breast mound. The implant is inserted through an incision in the breast area and positioned behind the chest wall muscles. The skin is then closed over the

implant, creating a new breast shape. Flap reconstruction involves using a flap of skin, fat, and muscle from another part of the body, such as the abdomen or back, to create a new breast mound. The flap is transferred to the chest area and the blood vessels are reattached, allowing the flap to remain alive and provide a blood supply to the new breast.

Breast reconstruction can also include a nipple reconstruction procedure, which involves creating a new nipple and areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple) using skin grafts or flaps. In some cases, a tattoo artist can also be used to recreate the appearance of the areola.

Breast reconstruction is a complex and delicate procedure that requires careful planning and a skilled plastic surgeon. Patients will typically experience some swelling and bruising after the surgery and will need to wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and support the new breast. The recovery process can take several weeks, and patients will need to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting during this time.

The results of breast reconstruction can be very satisfying, both aesthetically and emotionally. Many women who undergo the procedure report feeling more confident and whole after the procedure, and feel that their physical appearance more closely reflects their personal identity.

In conclusion, breast reconstruction is a safe and effective way to restore the shape, appearance, and size of a breast that has been removed due to cancer or other medical conditions. It is a complex procedure that requires careful planning and a skilled plastic surgeon but can have a profound impact on a woman's quality of life. If you are considering breast reconstruction, it is important to discuss your options and expectations with your doctor to determine the best approach for you.

5. Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia surgery, commonly called gyno surgery or male breast reduction surgery, is an outpatient plastic surgery procedure that removes excess breast tissue and creates a more traditionally masculine-looking chest. 

The underlying causes of gynecomastia include the hormonal changes of puberty, using anabolic steroids, or obesity.

This outpatient surgical procedure removes excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin via a combination of surgical techniques and liposuction.

Some men (particularly those who have lost a significant amount of weight) even combine male breast reduction surgery with a tummy tuck, liposculpture, and other procedures for a full "daddy makeover."

Gynecomastia surgery can significantly improve male chest contours by removing excess breast tissue. It’s an outpatient procedure with few reported risks. The results will be permanent, as long as you maintain a steady weight. You will have scars, though they shouldn’t be too noticeable and will fade. Many gynecomastia patients report an increase in self-confidence after male breast reduction surgery, and it is mainly agreed that the procedure is a remarkably high Worth It Rating. 


When patients come in with a complaint of gynecomastia, they usually complain about lumps in their breasts with or without excess fat in the breasts. Surgery to remove the breast tissues usually involves liposuction of the excess fat, surgical removal of the excess glandular breast tissue through an incision in the margin of the nipple-areolar complex and/or skin excision (in very large male breasts). It is important that your surgeon perform a proper physical exam of your breasts to confirm gynecomastia and rule out the suspicion of male breast cancer.

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