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Hair Transplantation

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  • FUE

  • Sapphire FUE

  • DHI


1. FUE/Sapphire FUE

In the application of sapphire hair transplantation, the grafts in the donor area are collected one by one with FUE motors and placed one by one in the microchannels opened with the help of sapphire-tipped blades in the hair transplantation area.

The use of sapphire tips in the treatment of Sapphire FUE hair transplantation reduces vibration. In this way, it is possible to say that the risk of tissue damage is minimised.

The use of sapphire tips in the Sapphire FUE hair transplant technique helps to shorten the healing time by opening microchannels. Another advantage of Sapphire knives is that they do not cause allergies like steel knives.

It can be said that hair transplantation operations performed using the Sapphire FUE technique take 5 to 8 hours and the transplantation process is completed in a single session.

After the hair transplant treatment, there is a one-day rest period. Then the patient can return to his daily life. The patient visits the clinic for the first wash two days after the hair transplant treatment. Since the first wash is a very delicate process, it should be performed by a hair transplant specialist. After the Sapphire FUE hair transplant treatment, the scabs are removed within the first month. The shock loss process, which is a normal stage of the hair transplant treatment recovery process, is observed between 1 and 3 months after the operation. This process is completely an adaptation process and after the shock loss, the permanent hair of the person begins to grow. 6 months after Sapphire FUE hair transplantation treatment, permanent hair becomes evident. During this period, 60% of the permanent hair is expected to have grown. For the expected result from the treatment to be fully seen, a period of 10 to 12 months must be completed.


2. DHI Method

DHI hair transplant is one of the most advanced hair transplantation methods using special devices called “implanter pen”.

One of the most important reasons why the DHI technique has come to the fore in recent years is that it is a two-stage method without incisions. In other hair transplantation techniques, hair transplantation, which is performed in three stages graft collection, channel opening, and graft transplantation, is carried out in two basic stages graft collection and graft transplantation using the DHI method.

The most important factor in reducing hair transplantation to two stages is the use of implanter pen devices. After the graft is placed into the device, the skin is pierced and the graft is left directly into the skin. In this way, grooving and graft transplantation operations can be performed at the same time.

The procedure takes place under local anaesthesia and is completely painless. It is commonly practised on an outpatient basis (that is to say, with an outing the same day following several hours of monitoring). Ordinarily, it lasts between 4 hours and 6 hours, depending on the degree to be replenished. 

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